Sunday, January 22, 2012

Grapeseed Oils

Kosher, Natural and Gluteen-Free.

Grapeseed oil is versatile and delicious. It is the natural base for emulsifying our six varieties of oils. Each one of them has been designed using aromatic herbs and condiments. They are ideal for cooking, condimenting and marinating cold and hot dishes.

Healthy Gourmet Product!
Perfect for making cooked and healthier dishes, as they can withstand high temperatures without degrading.
Grapeseed oil is extracted from the seed of the fruit. The heart of the seed contains the oil, which remains well protected inside, until the time of extraction.

Grapeseed oil provides vitamin E and a high concentration of linoleic acid (76%), linoleic acid and oleic acid, essential fatty acids, as well as those called omega 6 and omega 3.

Our 6 types of grapeseed oils:

  1. Roasted Garlic Grapeseed Oil
  2. Garlic & Basil Grapeseed Oil
  3. Toasted Hazelnut Grapeseed Oil
  4. Citrus Cilantro Grapeseed Oil
  5. Jalapeño Grapeseed Oil
  6. Black Truffle Grapeseed Oil

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